While these pieces might be inspired by specific people whose paths aligned with mine, they may not reflect how I actually feel at the moment as I write what I want, whenever I want, under no particular occasion.

"I thought that everything was changing, I loved the life that we were making."

Title from: Cheesin' - Cautious Clay, Remi Wolf, Still Woozy, Sophie Meiers, Claud, Melanie Faye & HXNS [Spotify | Youtube].


Here's to a million new things we both came upon while being side by side, next to each other, both figuratively and literally. Discoveries we found about one another — cause every day, there was a new layer to peel and a whole new part of you I got to get to know.

Here's to a million new habits we picked up while being one, may it be by learning from what others did, or just random tidbits we decided to give a shot, together. Habits I also started once we were together — like having to be under influence to be able to write, though mostly was because of you and for you — yet I'd never be able to let go, even after you left the equation.

And here's to you. Every part of you. Everything about you.

Here's to you. Always you.